Applying For FSSAI License For Cloud Kitchen In India: A Step-By-Step Guide

April 17, 2024

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The world of food delivery is evolving rapidly, and India is witnessing the rise of an exciting new trend called cloud kitchens. 

These digital-first dining establishments, often called virtual or ghost kitchens, are dedicated solely to online food delivery and takeout services. By doing away with traditional dine-in spaces, cloud kitchens offer an efficient and cost-effective way for aspiring entrepreneurs to dive into the food industry.

Innovation alone isn't enough to guarantee success in this field. Compliance with food safety regulations is the bedrock of any food business venture, and cloud kitchens are no exception. 

In India, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is the governing body that sets the rules for all food businesses. It's mandatory for cloud kitchens to obtain an FSSAI license or registration to operate legally.

If you are venturing into the world of cloud kitchens, obtaining an FSSAI license should be at the top of your to-do list. It's a crucial step that will not only ensure you're on the right side of the law but also set you up for success in the highly competitive food delivery market.

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of securing an FSSAI license for your cloud kitchen, breaking down the steps and requirements to make it as straightforward as possible. So, let's dive in!

Types of Cloud Kitchen License

The FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) issues three main types of permits based on the scale of operations and annual turnover. Licenses are essential not just for legal compliance but also for assuring customers of the quality and safety of the food being served. Let's break down the categories of permits required for cloud kitchens:

Basic FSSAI Registration

This is the starting point for small-scale cloud kitchens, specifically those with an annual turnover of less than Rs 12 lakh. The process for obtaining this registration is quite simple and can be done online, making it an accessible option for entrepreneurs who are just starting out. This registration is fundamental for ensuring your kitchen meets basic food safety standards.

State FSSAI License

Cloud kitchens that have grown beyond the smallest scale and have an annual turnover between Rs 12 lakhs and Rs 20 crores fall into this category.

 To obtain a state FSSAI license, you'll need to submit a more detailed application along with the required documentation to the state government's food safety department. This license is tailored for businesses operating within a particular state and ensures that they comply with more stringent food safety regulations.

Central FSSAI License

The largest cloud kitchens, those with an annual turnover exceeding Rs 20 crores or those operating across multiple states, must secure a central FSSAI license. This involves a comprehensive application process with extensive documentation, overseen by the Central Licensing Authority. The central FSSAI license is designed for businesses with a wide reach, ensuring they adhere to the highest standards of food safety and quality across all locations.

Required Documents For Cloud Kitchen License - FSSAI Registration

Required Documents for FSSAI Registration

Obtaining an FSSAI license for your cloud kitchen requires submitting a set of documents that verify the legitimacy of your business operations and adherence to food safety standards. Here's the list of things you'll need to prepare and submit along with your application:

  • Applicant's ID Proof (Aadhar card, passport, voter ID)
  • Premises Proof (rent agreement, electricity bill, property documents)
  • Kitchen Layout Plan
  • Food Product List
  • NOC from Municipality/Panchayat
  • Signed Declaration Form (Form B)
  • Food Safety Management Plan
  • Water Test Report
  • Equipment List
  • Partnership Deed or Incorporation Certificate (if applicable)
  • Authority Letter with Responsible Person's Details

Steps To Obtain Cloud Kitchen License - FSSAI

Here are the steps to obtain an FSSAI license for Cloud Kitchens

Determine the Required License Based on Your Business’s Size

Before diving into the application process, the first crucial step is to identify which type of FSSAI license is suitable for your cloud kitchen. The size and scale of your operations will dictate whether you need a Basic FSSAI Registration, a State FSSAI License, or a Central FSSAI License.

Collect Essential Documents

Documents required for an FSSAI license for your cloud kitchen:

  • ID Proof (Aadhar, passport, voter ID) of the applicant.
  • Premises Proof (rental agreement, electricity bill, property documents) to show the kitchen's location.
  • Food Safety Management Plan outlining food safety protocols and hygiene practices.
  • Product List of all food items to be prepared and served.
  • NOC from Municipality or Panchayat for operating in the area.
  • Declaration Form (Form B) signed by proprietor/partner/authorized signatory.

Submit the Application Online

After gathering all the necessary documents, the next step is to officially apply for your FSSAI license. This process is carried out online, providing a streamlined and accessible way for you to submit your application without the need to visit an office in person. Here’s how you can proceed with submitting your application online:

Visit the Official FSSAI Portal: Go to the official website of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) or the Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS) portal. These platforms are specifically designed to facilitate the application process for FSSAI licenses.

Complete the Online Application Form: Once on the portal, look for the application section related to obtaining a new FSSAI license. The online form will ask for detailed information about your cloud kitchen, such as the name of the business, address, type of food services offered, and more. It's crucial to fill out this form with accurate and up-to-date information to avoid any delays or issues in the licensing process.

Upload Required Documents: Refer to the checklist of documents you've prepared earlier and upload them to the application portal. Make sure that each document is clear, legible, and in the specified format required by the FSSAI. This step is vital as it provides the authority with all the necessary evidence of your business's compliance with food safety regulations.

Review and Submit: Before hitting the submit button, take a moment to review all the information you've entered and the documents you've uploaded. Ensuring everything is correct and complete can save you a lot of time and effort in corrections later.

Pay the Relevant Application Fee

After successfully submitting your application online, the next step in the process is to pay the application fee for obtaining an FSSAI license for your cloud kitchen. The fee charged by the FSSAI varies depending on the type of license you are applying for (Basic, State, or Central) and the duration for which you need the license, typically ranging from 1 to 5 years. 

You can check the current fee structure clearly outlined on the FSSAI's official website or the Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS) portal. Once you have determined the appropriate fee based on your chosen license type and validity period, you can proceed to make the payment through the prescribed online method.

Await an FSSAI Inspector’s Visit

After submitting your application and paying the fee, an FSSAI inspector will visit your cloud kitchen premises. The inspector will verify the details provided in your application and assess if your operations comply with FSSAI's food safety standards during this visit.

Receive Your License Certificate

After the successful inspection of your cloud kitchen and confirmation of compliance with FSSAI regulations, you will receive your FSSAI license certificate. This certificate proves that your business meets the necessary food safety standards set by the FSSAI. It will feature a unique 14-digit license number that identifies your registered food business. 

You must prominently display this license number on all your food products, packaging, and marketing materials to comply with regulations and signal your commitment to food safety. Receiving the FSSAI license certificate is a significant milestone for your cloud kitchen, establishing a foundation of trust and reliability with customers.

Parting Notes

Setting up a cloud kitchen in India requires obtaining an FSSAI license for food safety and quality. Kouzina offers a cloud kitchen franchising option that simplifies this process by providing support in licensing, marketing, and operational setup. 

By partnering with Kouzina, you get access to a network of industry professionals and a team that helps with every step of setting up your business, from obtaining licenses to marketing. Contact us today →

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