How to Partner and Register Restaurant with Swiggy in Easy Steps

June 28, 2024

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The Indian food scene is sizzling hot! A new restaurant pops up every other day, vying for a slice of the delicious pie. But with so much competition, how do you make sure your culinary creations reach hungry customers? 

Swiggy, India's leading food delivery platform, is your hidden ingredient for success. Partnering with Swiggy isn't just about convenience for your customers – it's a strategic move to broaden your reach and feast on success.

This guide will be your roadmap to how to add your restaurant to Swiggy. We'll explore the booming food delivery landscape and show you how Swiggy connects you with a vast pool of potential customers.

indian meal

Understanding Swiggy and Its Impact on Restaurants in India

If you own a restaurant in India, understanding how Swiggy works and its impact on your business is a must. Let's examine how Swiggy operates, its growth, and how it compares to competitors like Zomato.

1. Insights into Swiggy Business Model and Operations

Swiggy operates on a hyperlocal business model, connecting your restaurant with customers nearby. When you partner with Swiggy, you agree to a commission on each order placed through their platform. This setup ensures that you recover your delivery costs and create an additional revenue stream. 

Customers love Swiggy for its convenience, as they can order from various restaurants and enjoy doorstep delivery, often with attractive discounts and promotions. This win-win model has made Swiggy a household name in food delivery across India.

2. The Growth Trajectory of Swiggy in the Food Delivery Space

Since its inception in 2014, Swiggy has experienced phenomenal growth. According to a report by Statista, Swiggy has captured the largest market share in the Indian online food delivery market. With operations spanning over 500 cities, Swiggy delivers millions of meals monthly. 

Its success can be attributed to a user-friendly app, a vast network of delivery partners, and aggressive marketing strategies. This impressive growth means partnering with Swiggy can significantly boost your restaurant’s visibility and customer base.

Kouzina Food Tech was one of the early cloud kitchens to join the trend of delivering food in India. These types of kitchens focus on making and delivering food rather than hosting sit-down customers. They have many benefits compared to regular restaurants, like being able to expand easily, change their menus more often, and focus more on making deliveries efficient.

3. How Swiggy Competes with Other Platforms Like Zomato

Swiggy faces stiff competition from Zomato, another major player in the food delivery industry. Both platforms offer similar services, but Swiggy has managed to carve out a niche, especially in smaller cities with a stronger presence. 

Swiggy's extensive network of delivery partners and its foray into instant grocery delivery with Swiggy Instamart set it apart from Zomato. This competition benefits you as a restaurant owner, as both platforms strive to offer better commission rates, marketing tools, and broader customer reach to attract and retain partners.


The Comprehensive Guide to Registering with Swiggy



Example for Entrepreneurs

Pre-registration Checklist

Make sure you have all the necessary documents and prerequisites ready.

- FSSAI License: Valid license number.

- GST Certificate: Registration number.

- Owner Details: Aadhaar, PAN card.

- Bank Account Information: Bank name, account number.

- Menu: Digital copy with prices.

- Restaurant Photos: High-resolution images.

Account Creation

Visit the Swiggy Partner Registration Page and fill out the registration form.

- Visit the Swiggy Partner with Us page.

- Enter a restaurant name, location, owner’s name, contact info, and cuisine type.

Restaurant Listing

Create an account and provide detailed information about your restaurant.

- Create username and password.

- Enter detailed menu information and upload images of dishes.

Submitting Essential Documents

Upload all necessary documents for verification.

- Upload scanned copies of the FSSAI license, GST certificate, and proof of owner’s ID.

- Provide bank account details.

Verification Process

Swiggy reviews your application and documents.

- Wait for Swiggy’s team to review and verify your details.

- Respond to any requests for additional information.

Onboarding and Training

Receive an onboarding kit and training on using the Swiggy partner app.

- Get access to the Swiggy partner app.

- Receive training on order management and listing optimization.


Let’s say you own a “Spice Delight” restaurant in Bengaluru. Here’s how to add this restaurant in Swiggy:

  1. Pre-registration Checklist: Ensure you have your FSSAI license number, GST certificate, Aadhaar card, PAN card, your restaurant’s bank account details, a digital copy of your menu, and high-resolution images of your restaurant and dishes.
  2. Account Creation: Visit the Swiggy Partner with Us page and enter details like “Spice Delight,” its location in Bengaluru, your name, contact information, and the types of cuisine you offer.
  3. Restaurant Listing: Create a username and password for your account. Provide detailed information about “Spice Delight,” upload your menu with prices, and add high-quality images of your dishes, such as Butter Chicken and paneer Tikka.
  4. Submitting Essential Documents: Upload scanned copies of your FSSAI license, GST certificate, and Aadhaar or PAN card. Enter your restaurant’s bank account details.
  5. Verification Process: Wait for Swiggy’s team to review and verify your documents. Be ready to provide any additional information they may request.
  6. Onboarding and Training: Once verified, you will receive an onboarding kit and access to the Swiggy partner app. You will be trained on how to manage orders, track deliveries, and optimize your restaurant listing.

Detailed Registration Process for Adding Your Restaurant to Swiggy

Let’s break down each step in detail to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of how to add a restaurant in Swiggy.

1. Initial Steps: How to Access Swiggy Partner Portal and What Information is Needed

Step 1: Visit the Partner Portal

Step 2: Fill Out Basic Information

  • Enter essential details about your restaurant, such as name, address, contact number, and type of cuisine.
  • For instance, if you own “Spice Delight” in Bengaluru, you would enter your name, address, contact number, and cuisine type, such as North Indian and Chinese.

2. Document Submission: PAN, Shop License, Canceled Cheque, and More

After entering your basic information, you need to submit the following documents:

PAN Card

  • Submit a copy of the owner’s PAN card for tax identification.

Shop License

  • Upload your restaurant’s shop and establishment license to prove legal compliance.

FSSAI License

  • Ensure you have a valid Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) license.

GST Certificate

  • Provide your GST registration certificate for financial transactions.

Canceled Cheque

  • Upload a canceled cheque from your restaurant’s bank account to verify banking details.

Owner's ID Proof

  • Submit proof of government-issued ID like an Aadhaar card or passport.
  • For “Spice Delight,” you would gather and upload these documents with your application.

3. Verification and Agreement Signing: The Final Steps Towards Becoming a Swiggy Partner


  • Swiggy’s team will review your documents to ensure everything is in order. They contact you for additional information if needed.

Agreement Signing

  • Once your documents are verified, Swiggy will send you a partnership agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your partnership, including commission rates and payment cycles.
  • Think of this step as receiving the final stamp of approval to start your journey with Swiggy.

4. Menu Setup and Finalizing Commission Rates

  • With the agreement signed, you’ll move on to setting up your menu and finalizing financial details.

Menu Setup

  • Upload a digital copy of your menu. For “Spice Delight,” this would include detailed descriptions and high-quality images of dishes like Butter Chicken, Paneer Tikka, and Biryani.

Finalizing Commission Rates

  • Discuss and finalize the commission rates with Swiggy. These rates will depend on factors like your restaurant’s location, cuisine type, and average order value.

Advantages of Partnering with Swiggy

By teaming up with Swiggy, your restaurant can see a big positive change. You'd get lots of benefits beyond just getting food delivered. Swiggy can make a difference for your business, and here's how.

Increased Visibility and Access to a Wider Customer Base

Imagine your restaurant getting noticed by thousands of potential customers who do not know about you otherwise. Swiggy's extensive platform connects you with a vast audience, allowing you to reach diners far beyond your local neighborhood. Whether it's lunch for office-goers or a family dinner at home, your dishes can become a part of many more lives, significantly increasing your customer base.

Operational Benefits: Ease of Delivery and Reduced Overheads

Running a restaurant involves juggling many tasks, but Swiggy helps ease the burden. With Swiggy handling the logistics of delivery, you can focus more on what you do best—preparing delicious food. 

This partnership reduces the need for an in-house delivery team, cutting down on operational overheads and simplifying your workflow. The ease and efficiency of Swiggy's delivery network ensure that your food reaches customers quickly and in prime condition.

Marketing and Promotional Support from Swiggy

It can be tough to get noticed in a crowded market, but Swiggy can help your restaurant stand out. Swiggy runs different promotions and marketing campaigns that make your restaurant more visible and bring in more customers. 

By using Swiggy's promotional support, you can boost your restaurant's visibility and attract more business.

Insights into Sales, Performance, and Customer Preferences

Knowing your customers and how well your restaurant is doing is really important for growing your business. Swiggy gives you useful information about your sales, how well your restaurant is doing, and what your customers like. 

It helps you see which dishes are most popular, when you get the most orders, and gives you detailed information that helps you make good business decisions. These insights help you update your menu, run your restaurant more smoothly, and make sure your customers are happy.

The Role of Customer Feedback in Enhancing Service Quality

Feedback is a gift that keeps on giving. Swiggy’s platform enables customers to leave reviews and ratings, providing you with direct feedback on their dining experience. This feedback is invaluable for identifying areas of improvement and enhancing service quality. 

Positive reviews can boost your restaurant’s credibility, while constructive criticism helps you address issues and improve. By actively engaging with customer feedback, you can ensure a consistently high standard of service and build a loyal customer base.

Also Read: Top Online Food Delivery Platform - Apps In 2024


Managing Your Partnership with Swiggy

After you've learned how to add your restaurant to Swiggy and completed the registration process, managing your partnership effectively is the next crucial step. Below is how to maximize the benefits and ensure your restaurant thrives:

1. Keeping Track of Sales and Optimizing Menu Listings for Better Performance

One of the benefits of knowing how to add your restaurant to Swiggy is accessing detailed sales data and performance metrics. Reviewing this data helps you understand which dishes are popular and which need improvement.

Optimize Your Menu Listings:

  • Highlight Bestsellers: Ensure your top-selling items are prominently featured.
  • Update Photos and Descriptions: Use high-quality images and appealing descriptions to attract customers.
  • Adjust Pricing: Based on customer preferences and sales data, tweak pricing to enhance sales.
  • Seasonal Specials: Introduce limited-time offers or seasonal dishes to keep the menu fresh and exciting.

Continuously refining your menu can attract more customers and increase your sales. For instance, if “Spice Delight” in Bengaluru notices that Butter Chicken and Paneer Tikka are bestsellers, they can prominently feature these dishes to boost sales further.

2. Understanding Swiggy Commission Framework and How to Negotiate Terms

Swiggy charges a commission on each order placed through its platform. Understanding this framework is crucial for managing your profitability after you’ve figured out how to add your restaurant to Swiggy.

Commission Framework:

  • Standard Rates: Typically, Swiggy charges around 15-25% of the total order value as a commission. For example, if your restaurant makes ₹100,000 in a month through Swiggy, you pay ₹15,000 to ₹25,000 as commission.
  • Negotiation: Depending on your restaurant’s popularity and order volume, you are able to negotiate better terms. High-volume restaurants often negotiate lower rates.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Regularly review your commission versus the benefits received, such as increased sales and customer reach.

To negotiate effectively, gather data on your sales performance and be prepared to discuss how your restaurant contributes to Swiggy’s platform. Highlighting your restaurant’s strengths and potential for higher sales can help you secure more favorable terms.

3. Utilizing Swiggy Marketing Tools for Promotion and Engagement

Swiggy offers various marketing tools and promotional opportunities to help you attract and retain customers after learning how to add your restaurant to Swiggy.

Marketing Tools:

  • Promotional Offers: Participating in Swiggy’s promotional campaigns can significantly boost visibility. For example, a festive promotion can increase orders by 20-30%.
  • Sponsored Listings: Investing in sponsored listings can cost around ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 per month but can place your restaurant at the top of search results, attracting more customers.
  • Discounts and Deals: Offering discounts or combo deals can entice customers to order more. For example, if a customer sees a 10% discount on a popular dish, they’re more likely to order it.
  • Social Media Integration: Leveraging Swiggy’s platform to promote your restaurant on social media can reach a broader audience and drive more traffic and orders.

Engagement Strategies:

  • Customer Feedback: It's important to monitor and reply to customers' comments about your business. When customers say good things, it helps to keep them coming back. When they say not-so-good things, it's a chance to improve.
  • Loyalty Programs: Implementing loyalty programs can encourage repeat business. For instance, offering a free dish after every 10 orders can increase customer retention.

Final Thoughts 

Adding your restaurant to Swiggy is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your business's visibility and reach. By following a structured registration process, from gathering necessary documents to optimizing your menu listings, you ensure a smooth onboarding experience. Partnering with Swiggy simplifies delivery logistics, reduces operational overheads, and provides access to valuable marketing tools and customer insights.

If you are an entrepreneur looking to join a successful cloud kitchen brand experiencing rapid growth, you are welcome to visit the Kouzina website and explore our franchise opportunities to begin your journey today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the FSSAI certificate mandatory for partnership?

Yes, having a valid Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) certificate is mandatory for partnering with Swiggy. This certification ensures that your restaurant complies with food safety regulations and standards, which is crucial for maintaining the quality and safety of the food being delivered to customers.

Clarifications on Swiggy’s subscription costs and commission structure.

Swiggy typically operates on a commission-based model rather than a subscription cost. The commission charged is usually a percentage of the total order value, ranging from 15% to 25%. 

This percentage can vary based on factors such as your restaurant’s location, cuisine type, and order volume. Some high-volume restaurants may be able to negotiate lower commission rates. It’s important to regularly review these costs in relation to the benefits you receive, such as increased visibility and customer reach.

How to effectively manage your relationship with Swiggy for maximum benefit.

Effectively managing your relationship with Swiggy involves several strategies:

  • Track Sales and Performance: Review sales data and performance metrics regularly to determine what’s working and where improvements are needed.
  • Optimize Menu Listings: Keep your menu up-to-date with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions. Highlight bestsellers and introduce seasonal specials to attract more customers.
  • Engage in Promotions: Participate in Swiggy’s marketing campaigns and promotional offers to boost your restaurant’s visibility. Sponsored listings and discounts can drive more orders.
  • Respond to Feedback: Actively monitor and respond to customer reviews. Positive engagement can build loyalty while addressing negative feedback can improve your service.
  • Negotiate Terms: Use your sales performance data to negotiate better commission rates and terms with Swiggy.

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